Let Her Eat Clean

The sixth in a series of Friday posts looking at a very quick snapshot of the week that was.

This week I…


At the superb Fish at 85

It was my second trip this year. I seriously love this place. You know when somewhere just gets everything right? Like, everything? The service, the decor, even the loo is a sight to behold for heaven’s sake. It’s like Cornwall but on the edge of Cardiff City centre. I first went there the day after my Mum’s memorial service. It was like everyone knew what we’d been through (obviously they didn’t…) and they were so, so kind to us. I was nervous about my second trip – could it be that good again…?

It was. Maybe even a bit better. I couldn’t resist but to reorder two of the things (squid and seabass) I had last time but went for a…

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