129twigandvine / sueschlabach

129twigandvine ballymaloe cooking school, ireland

Have you ever visited a place you’ve only seen in books, but gazed upon so often that you felt you knew it? It’s like stepping through the looking glass, and removing the glasses you are wearing that have blinders on the sides.

A month ago we followed the narrow lanes of County Cork, navigated the traffic rings around Cork city, and traveled again on narrow lanes toward the sea, watching islands appear above the many-colored green hills. Past grazing cows, ivy covered trees, yellow houses and magpies sitting on fences, we came at last to two special places—the pottery studio of Stephen Pearce (which I’ll save for another post) and the gardens at Ballymaloe Cooking School.

129twigandvine ballymaloe cooking school, ireland129twigandvine ballymaloe cooking school, ireland

Several books on my shelves in Vermont feature photographs of Darina Allen’s gardens at the Cooking School (not to be mistaken with Ballymaloe House, which is about 4 miles away). One is…

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